Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Humble Homage

Dear Sandy,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.  I have had family here all week, so things have been a bit crazy for me.
The estate no longer has 61N or 62N.  Our last 30SO is in London at an exhibition there.   I do have two clients with 62N that are willing to consign with me.  The price on the 62N image is $8000.
I will have to check on the Brett Weston Cracked Paint image as that photograph belongs to my brother.  It is a large photograph and I think is priced around $25 to 30k. If you are interested I will check to see if my brother still has it.
All the images are getting more scarce and harder to find. I now see I need to update the sold out images on the site.
All the best,
Cara Weston

If you want to check-out the images I was asking about they can be found here:


  1. A very fine homage. I hope Santa is following your blog...

  2. SD - Santa, more in need of the Euro Millions fairy!

  3. Love your shot, excellent in all respects!
