Wednesday 10 March 2010

Lobster creels on the pier

Another old one. Taken in April 2009 in Tobermory, Isle of Mull. Business/pleasure, Mull Theatre & An Tobar. Tobermory has (according to Lonely Planet) one of the top 5 recommended restaurants in Scotland. Have to agree this place is something special - Cafe Fish. Would happily eat my way through the entire menu (only partly achieved to date!)

Usual day at the coalface. Pleasant lunchtime with chums - A Play, A Pie, and a Pint (not in that order) at the Traverse . The Shattered Head - Bite sized theatre in an easily digestable form.

More Mull images on my Flickr feed if your interested.


  1. I've never been to Tobermory... but he was one of my favourite Wombles...

    Sadly, I never have the time or the inclination for a pie and a pint on a workday :-(

  2. @sleepyduck ...the things I have to do for the arts!
